Thanks — we’re looking forward to discussing how coaching can help your team.

Coaching works

More Happi makes having a personal coach unbelievably affordable. Everyone in your organisation can access life-enhancing superpowers, courtesy of their own expert coach.

Coaching gives your employees the opportunity for skills development and career advancement. They will improve in all aspects of their lives, including at work and the effects can happen very quickly. Even a single session can make a world of difference.

A study by the International Coach Federation (ICF) found that 70% of individuals who received coaching reported improved work performance, communication skills, and career prospects. 

When employees see that the organization invests in their growth, they are more likely to stay and develop their careers within the company rather than leaving. And the company itself will improve the more employees are coached. 

So providing coaches for your team quickly increases their happiness, and the happiness and productivity of the whole organisation. 

Benefit No 1

Retain talent

Did you know that 40% of your team are thinking about leaving?* More Happi coaching gives your employees the opportunity for skills development and career advancement. 

When employees see that you invest in their growth, they are more likely to stay and develop their careers within the company; saving you up to £30k per lost team member** (made up of hiring costs and weeks of lost productivity).

Sources: *McKinsey, **Oxford Economics

Benefit No 2

Attract top talent

Businesses offering life and work coaching are more attractive to the top talent you’re looking for.

Every employee wants to feel motivated. More Happi coaching helps everyone in your organisation to create their own plan and become motivated on their own terms. They’ll decide how to solve their challenges, develop skills and find purpose in their roles. When everyone can flourish, the whole company becomes a better place to work.

Benefit No 3

Reduce stress and the time drain of fire-fighting problems

More Happi coaches everyone in your organisation to solve their own challenges before they grow into problems.

Coachees develop skills that make them top performers, in control of their own lives and careers. Managers fire-fight less, are less stressed and can focus on value-adding work rather than (only) solving immediate problems. Efficient, productive, happi-er.

Benefit No 4

Increase the skills of your new managers

Like new starters, new managers can feel lost when busy line-managers ‘drop them in the deep end’.

New managers with a coach will create their own plans to achieve their goals. You’ll grow a high-performing management team, and reduce churn from those too stressed or too busy to guide others successfully. Your new managers will solve their own problems and bring new ideas to their team. They will aim higher, taking the performance of the organisation to new heights with them.

Benefit No 5

Care for your team’s mental fitness

Employees coached by More Happi are 63% happier than those without coaching.

When you gift a coach to everyone in your organisation, your employees will feel empowered and in control of their lives. Your organisation becomes happier and healthier as a result: stress and work absences will significantly decrease.

Benefit No 6

Fast track your new starters’ success

Absent or busy managers can prevent new starters from being able to deliver quickly. Give your new starters a coach from day 1, so they can perform better and faster.

A coach provides a ‘safe place’ for new hires to think through any frustration or overwhelm they may feel. They’ll come up with solutions that they are in control of, rather than feeling neglected. New starter productivity and retention will increase, and so will your employer Net Promoter score. 

Don’t take our word for it.
Discover how coaching is transforming the lives of individuals and businesses.