Interested in More Happi for your team?

Stop procrastinating, and finally make progress towards your goals

  • Choose a personalised plan so that you can achieve your goals without wasting more time.
  • Follow that plan with your coach to stay accountable and consistent.
  • Get the guidance you need to keep going, even when you feel like giving up again! 
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4.7/5 based on 4,329 reviews

1:1 online career & life coaching

Stop procrastinating, and finally make progress towards your goals

  • Choose a personalised plan so that you can achieve your goals without wasting more time.
  • Follow that plan with your coach to stay accountable and consistent.
  • Get the guidance you need to keep going, even when you feel like giving up again!

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4.7/5 based on 4,329 reviews

per session

Thousands of individuals working here trust More Happi to accomplish their career goals:

minor figures
hello fresh

What you get


Achieve your career goals without getting stuck again.

It’s hard seeing everyone else around you achieve and make progress when you feel stuck and left behind. We can help you quit procrastinating and take action so you can catch up.

Finally make progress without having to commit all of your time and energy.

You want to move forwards, but your time is finite, and it’s difficult to get going when you’re stuck in a rut. We can help you take those steps quicker and solve those problems standing in the way of achieving your career goals.


Keep going forwards - even when you feel like giving up again.

When you’re stuck, yet another self-help book or free e-book creates more noise. You need a plan and a method that gets you moving consistently – and sees you through those moments when things get difficult again.



Our customers get to their goals faster thanks to our top rated coaches

“My coach helped me set goals and get excited about them. She used some great techniques and exercises to help me look at situations differently and tap into what I was really trying to achieve.”

Project manager, Sonder & Tell

“My coach’s guidance and insights have left a significant impact on me, and I am truly appreciative of the positive direction they are helping me navigate. Their ability to listen attentively and ask thought-provoking questions has been instrumental in helping me gain a deeper understanding of my goals and challenges. Their warmth and genuine concern for my well-being create a safe and comfortable space for open conversation.”

Senior manager, Edited

“My coach was very easy to talk to and they helped me identify some short-term and longer-term actions I could take to achieve my career goals. They also uncovered the values that I hold that underpin my job satisfaction, and I look forward to exploring this more in my next session.”

Team lead, IMA HOME

Who are the coaches?

With over 100 available coaches, covering 15+ specialist skill sets, you can work with the same coach continuously or move around and try different styles to see what works for you. You’re in control.

Our qualified coaches have trained with the top ICF, EMCC and Association for Coaching accredited schools, and are continuously verified by More Happi to ensure high quality. More Happi enables qualified, professional volunteer coaches to rapidly achieve further ICF credentials, enabling them to achieve their own career goals in half the time.

Our Coaches have trained at schools accredited and credentialed by:


Already a Coach and would like to join More Happi?

Why coaching instead of therapy?

They are both incredibly powerful, but they’ll give you very different results.We define the difference in this way.

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Addresses mental health challenges and past traumas that are stopping someone from leading the life they want. Often described as a journey of the past. Not everyone needs this.

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A conversation, or series of conversations, to help you gain clarity and direction. It's useful for problem-solving, career growth, and achieving goals. Afterward, you will feel inspired and ready to take on what's next. It's something everyone can benefit from.

How it works


Select the Learning Programme that's right for you

We’ll guide you through some short questions, to get you on the right Programme. Based on what you’ve told us and your availability, we’ll match you with three coaches. Then simply book your first session in! They are all amazing, but you have the freedom to try different coaches and styles.


Go to your first session and get started

Each session is 45-minutes long and online – so they’re easy to fit around everything else going on. No prep needed! You’ll start by clarifying your goals with your coach so that they have an understanding of you and what you want to achieve. Over time, you and your coach will adjust your programme to your needs and timelines.


Have more sessions and start achieving your goals

Think of your coach as your accountability partner – each session gives you something to work towards and even more motivation. Your coach will help you take action more consistently, give you non-judgemental feedback and even tools and activities to do between sessions so you can maximise your Programme.

Frequently asked questions

If you just want to get going, you’re in the right place; your coach will keep you accountable and motivated, but how much you do is entirely up to you! If you want to be challenged, then your coach can do that. It’s your journey, so you get to set the pace.

We understand, you want action! The focus of coaching is the future, it’s action and movement, not looking at the past and analysis. Coaching helps you to take action towards your goals, so that you can start achieving them.

Read more about the differences between Coaching, Mentoring and Therapy

It’s ok, everybody ‘fails’. You’ve probably had your fair share right now, and are fed up of it. Lack of progression is more likely when you don’t have accountability, perspective, or the ability to break down your goals into manageable chunks. Our coaches will give you just that. You won’t get paralysed by going over it again and again. Instead, you’ll take what you’ve learned and adapt your plan and your mindset.

You’ve tried a bunch of things already, and now you’re frustrated because you haven’t made the progress you wanted. And you’ve probably been trying to do it alone. A coach means you aren’t alone anymore. You’ve got someone on your side who wants you to move forward as much as you do. They can help you create a plan to make progress, to smash your goals, and they can motivate, support and keep you accountable throughout.

Self-help books, podcasts, talks – they all share one common aspect: they keep you stuck in your own head. Yes they can help, but if you want change at a quicker pace than you’ve been going, then having someone outside of you to hold you accountable is going to make the biggest difference. Coaching is individual to you, helping you make the best decisions for you.

If your coach doesn’t work for you, it’s as simple as trying another one. You’ll get so much further if you have a coach you vibe with, so try another one. That’s what we’re here for!

Still have questions?

Speak to the More Happi team and get them answered.