When it says ‘We’re More Happi Humans’, what does it mean?

It means just that – happier humans in a happier place of work. A place that puts their people at the top of the agenda, and understands it takes more than a coffee machine and a foosball table to create a great culture. It means you might want to check if that place is hiring, unless you’re already lucky enough to work there, in which case – Welcome!


More Happi Logo

The More Happi mark is a badge of honour that’s worn by progressive organisations who have signed their people up to More Happi - the most accessible 1-2-1 workplace coaching service ever created.

They’ve joined the mission to bring the benefits of coaching to everyone, it’s no longer a secret weapon for those that can afford it.
More Happi’s boardroom-busting pricing means all organisations can have motivated and fulfilled people at every level.

How More Happi Humans are made.

Coaching provides regular game-changing chats on any topic. Whatever’s on someone’s mind and needs unblocking, not just work stuff but life stuff too.


Self - MoreHappi

Find renewed confidence and purpose. We build on what already works,  dig in to what doesn’t. So you can lift the fog and break free.

Work - MoreHappi

Ups, downs and WTFs? We’ll explore whatever’s limiting your progress. So you can tackle anything from oh-so-tricky first times to ‘Oh, this again’.

Purpose - MoreHappi

A life with meaning is rich and rewarding. A coach can help you clarify what matters to you and how to make a difference. Say hello to life on your terms.

Parenting - MoreHappi

So how’s the juggling? We get it. While you’re supporting everyone else, a coach will support you. Helping you keep those balls safely in the air.

Relationships - MoreHappi

We need human connections more than ever. Let’s make yours stronger and healthier. Allowing you a happier work and personal life.

So how does it work?

It’s free to employees, the organisation pays a subscription because they want to support their people.

Those people can book an unlimited number of sessions every month with a coach of their choosing.

45-minute online sessions during daytimes, evenings or weekends. Whatever works for them.

They can chat about whatever they like, it’s entirely confidential.

Here’s what others are saying…

What would I even talk about?

beliefs - MoreHappi

Personal progress for employees, fast-tracked careers for coaches, thriving cultures for organisations. More Happi means something for everyone, because we all deserve the opportunity to be more.