Respect doesn’t matter to me (said no one ever)

Respect doesn’t matter to me (said no one ever).

Respect doesn’t matter to me (said no one ever).

Respect. Great leaders have it. Legacies are created with it. Aretha Franklin even wrote a song about it.

‘It’ creates a lasting reputation. Ensuring our ideas are heard, used and celebrated.

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘Bring your whole self to work’ but the truth is, we’re made up of multiple selves. The mentor. The taskmaster. The drinks-after-work ‘Us’. And They’re all constantly evolving. How might you maintain authenticity (with a hefty dose of empathy) across every ‘You’?

Challenge: The next time you want everyone’s full, undivided attention. Or you want to pitch an idea that’s going to positively impact the humans around you. Think about how you want to present yourself.

What would you like people to say about you when you’re not in the room?

How could you gain their trust?

Want to learn more about authenticity at work?

Listen to this podcast with Adam Grant and discover how to earn respect through authenticity.

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